Our Plan

If you want your voice to be heard, you need someone who can make local and national government listen. That’s what I do.

Whether it is securing protection in law for our chalk streams, challenging inappropriate development that would destroy a heritage site, ensuring MPs honour promises made on the referendum, or ensuring the safety of women and girls, I’ve got stuck in. And I've delivered. 

There’s not a problem I won’t turn my hand to solving if it benefits our constituency.

I will fight for every child in North East Herts to have the best education possible. For you to have the greatest say over how your money is spent. For our entrepreneurs, small businesses and farmers that energise our towns and countryside. For our young people to have the chance of owning their own home, while preserving what makes our towns and villages special. For people to have the peace of mind that comes with strong defence, robust law and order, and security in ill health and old age. And for the preservation of our environment from generation to generation.

If you believe in the same things, and want a strong voice in Parliament, ‘Vote Nikki’ on 4 July.

  • A great education for every child

    Speaking to other parents, I know how much they care about a good start for their children and a great education. Nearly all our schools are good or outstanding in North East Herts. But I want every local child to get a good education and the best start in life.
  • More local businesses, more local jobs

    Local people want great local jobs, and they want our 5,000 brilliant local businesses to thrive. I’ve helped build one business, and then started out on my own so I know the joy our local entrepreneurs feel when the business is growing and you can offer a job to someone, but also the strain an
  • Care closer to home and town health hubs

    If the NHS is to continue to be the health service the public overwhelmingly wants and are proud of – one which provides high quality care for patients, free at the point of need – it needs a robust and effective plan to ensure we have the right number of people, with the right skills and support in
  • Stopping the sprawl, building beautiful

    We need to build houses for young people but doing so sustainably means thinking about how it impacts those living nearby and protecting against the loss of our countryside or Green Belt.  We cannot allow our villages and towns to merge or lose what makes them special - continuing sprawl under